Is it ever OK to put ice in your wine?

 In CGT Blog

Excuse me, waiter? I’ll have your finest wine, on the rocks…

To most wine connoisseurs, dropping a few ice cubes into a glass of wine is a crime so punishable they wouldn’t even think of doing it. To others, it’s the perfect way to enjoy a glass of vino on a hot summer day. It’s a highly contested debate with, as we see it, an obvious answer. Before we explain, where do you stand?

Is it ever OK to put ice cubes in your wine?

So, will you be considered an outcast if you put ice cubes in your wine? Shunned from society? Not in our opinion! Adding ice will certainly dilute the flavor, but hey, it’s your wine. If you think it’s more refreshing with a couple of cubes, then go for it! The bottom line is that wine is meant to be enjoyed. We asked the experts here at CGT, and they agree – enjoying the wine is more important than whether or not you’re drinking it “properly.” You do you!

The decision to add ice also depends on the type of wine you are drinking. As you may know, some wines are meant to be chilled – like a smooth Chardonnay, a sweet white, a crisp Riesling and even some reds! Check out these wine-chilling tips that are sure to keep your wine cool, refreshing and flavorful.

  1. Add Frozen Fruit

Freezing fruit is a festive fix to warm wine. After freezing a handful of your chosen fruit, drop a few in your drink and enjoy. We recommend trying grapes, strawberries or even blueberries. The frozen fruit garnish looks great and keeps your drink cool without completely altering the flavor of the wine.

  1. Freeze Some Wine Cubes

This involves a little preparation, but nothing you can’t handle. Pour your favorite wine into an ice cube tray, stick it in the freezer and voila! Now you have ice cubes that won’t water down your wine as they melt. If you’re feeling adventurous, try blending some wines for the perfect combination! For example, try a glass of Chardonnay with Sweet Red ice cubes.

  1. Wine Pearls

The small stainless steel spheres are the perfect solution for those afraid of diluting their wine with ice. Throw the small frosty pearls into your wine and you will have nothing to worry about. While innovative, your glass will also portray sophistication. As a bonus, the pearls can be used for other beverages too!

  1. Chill the Glass and Bottle

If you’re against putting anything in your wine, try popping the wine glasses in the freezer to chill. The nice frosty glasses will keep your drink cool. Don’t forget to chill the bottle, too. If you’re taking the bottle outside, bring an ice bucket along to keep the bottle at your desired temperature.

If you like a couple ice cubes floating around your glass, don’t apologize. Don’t let anybody tell you that you are a wine-ruining vigilante – some rules are made to be broken. On the contrary, if you enjoy a glass of wine untouched and un-iced no matter the outdoor temperature, so be it. Whether you’re a seasoned wine enthusiast or a casual drinker, wine is meant to be enjoyed – however you chose to drink it.

If you’re looking for a satisfying glass of wine to enjoy on a warm, sunny day, we recommend one of our crisp whites. Try the Semi-dry Riesling or the Pinot Grigo – best served on warm, sunny days with great company. Cheers!